7 years ago, I had just graduated from university. I was stressing haaarrd to find a job because unfortunately I wasn’t good enough to land any internships during all my summers in uni ๐Ÿ˜‚ I “knew” I was gonna do Accounting for life (meaning I had another 44 years of it LOL) YET I was STILL stressing, like I needed a job in my field YESTERDAY. It was a long and arduous process but I finally got my ‘in’ 8 months later…

MUCH CONGRATS! SO EXCITE! My foot is on the ladder! Another few years I can get a senior role and hit $100k+ salary! I am READY!!! Who run the world? MEEE! 4 promotions later I thought it was a SCAM that I could only have THREE WEEKS VACATION in the entire goddamn year of working?! Wtf?! You guys know I love traveling and exploring and seeing the world… 3 weeks isn’t gonna cut it hombre…

I started feeling tired, drained, exhausted, unmotivated, uninspired. I would HATE Sundays – SELF-DESTRUCT SUNDAYS I’d call it – deperession mode FULLY ON just knowing I’m about to start another week of this hamster shit. I hated my time in my cubicle wasting away the best hours of my day & the best years of my life…

I complained so much that I made an impulsive decision to quit in 2016. But prior to quitting, I had already started online businesses and learned trading = THINGS THAT ALLOW ME TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. That was it. That was the secret! Location and time freedom were the neccessary keys to living my ‘dream life’.

Since all that time has passed, I learned that I’m not alone in what I wanted out of life (obvi). So I want to help YOU find time & location freedom too. The world is moving to virtual and digital currencies, now is a better time than ever to learn AND profit from it.