Staying alive in a difficult market is the most important thing. How do you do this? BY NOT BLOWING UP YOUR ACCOUNT. If you don’t blow up your account, you get to live to see another day.

Just like Larry Hite said, “If you don’t bet, you can’t win. If you lose all your chips, you can’t bet.”

Entende or nah? Sim ou nรฃo? ๐Ÿ˜œ

P.S. If you’re drowning in this market, I got a life raft over here and there’s still room for you. My Crypto Trading Mastery students are not only staying alive, but are still able to make wise investments AND profit in this market. The most important thing though is staying alive – and you do that by having an edge in the market, knowing your probability of win/lose, having tight risk management, and never deviating from the plan. NEED A PLAN? Come check out a sneak peak of my full paid program in my exclusive training webinar, “0 TO $100K IN 1 YEAR – How to Profit with the Crypto Surf Strategies (no matter which way the market is going)”. Click the link here, remember to save your spot. We’ll see you in there!