Do you know why 90% of traders blow 90% of their account in 90 days?
❌They always buy at the wrong time.
❌They always sell at the wrong time.

They buy when mainstream media and news pushes out sensationalist headlines about a stock or currency or crypto. By this time its already too late to get in, and price is about to turn around and crash down.

They sell when their heart can’t take any more aches from seeing their trades run in the red. But when they sell, they are selling it to the successful traders who are about to take the profit train upwards.

It’s this emotional rollercoaster that causes traders to lose all their money and quit within 2 years.

We always want to do the OPPOSITE of what everybody else is doing. Thats it. Thats the key to consistent profits.

We want to buy when others are in desperation. We want to sell when everyone is euphoric and jumping on the wagon due to FOMO.

If you’re ready to learn how to out do the collective market (they are always on the wrong side of the trade), join me inside my Crypto to Riches Trading Mastery course where I highlight the exact things traders do wrong, when they do it, where they do it, and how we can take advantage of that and convert it into profits in our pockets. I’m showing my students on the inside how to do exactly the opposite of what the masses do. Go here for a FREE COURSE on getting started with buying BTC and owning crypto and to see what I offer in my advanced crypto trading course.